Ready For Some Spark and Connection In Your Marriage?

Welcome To STOKED. 
The Women's Mastermind Where You'll Learn Exactly How
To Handle Your Relationship Struggles, BE The Partner
You Want To Be, And Enjoy Being Married Again! 
✅  Prioritize Personal Power    ✅ Develop Deep Friendship  ✅ Build Intimate Connection
✅  Prioritize Personal Power   
✅ Develop Deep Friendship
✅ Build Intimate Connection
Creating A Better Marriage Begins Here.

I was beginning to feel hopeless about our future … but after learning these skills, I began creating better results for my life and relationship. Being married no longer feels impossible. Rachael’s program taught me how to have a connected, happy marriage again.

- Laura

It’s one thing to fall in love and get married…
It’s another thing entirely to create a long relationship full of JOY & connection.
Over time, most couples fall into negative patterns in their relationships.  Between kids and work, it's easy to put your relationship on the back burner to deal with later.  And before you know it, you're white-knuckling your marriage.

Is this YOU? 
  • You're too busy to meet your own needs, much less connect heart-to-heart with your partner. 
  •  You either avoid difficult conversations or argue too much.
  • You feel irritated by your partner and their quirks, hangups, and habits. 
  • You feel resentful, lonely, and like there's no team work.
  • You avoid intimacy and your sex life is a source of tension.
  • ​You're no longer having fun together.
If this is YOU, I totally get it and it's NOT your fault. The marriage SYSTEM is broken... and women bear the brunt of that frustration.
I'd Like To Introduce You To The Solution ...
With Rachael Cunningham

What Exactly IS Stoked?

STOKED is an online program and coaching membership to help women 
heal their relationship with themselves ... so they can know how to communicate, love, and BE the partner they want to be. And in turn, watch heal their relationship with their partner.  
 prioritize personal power | develop deep friendship | build intimate connection
You'll Learn to handle your relationship better and show up for yourself and your partner with...


1.  Personal Power: to get crystal clear on what you want and don't want in your life and marriage. You will be in charge of your personal growth and know exactly how to handle any issues in your relationship.

2. Create Friendship that's supportive and fun through excellent communication, perspective, and teamwork

3. Cultivate Connected Intimacy: Drop the guilt and Embrace Sex For The Connection and Pleasure it brings ... not just to check it off your to-do list! 

This isn't your average marriage group ... It's a Woman's MOVEMENT. 
A movement that says, "I'ts Not Enough Just To STAY Married ... we want to LOVE being married ... and not lose ourselves in the process!" 

The Place For Married Women To Rise Up
And Say, "Enough ... I Will Not Settle For Less In My Relationship. My Partner and I Deserve Better." 

All to create ONE thing …


Join The Stoked Marriage Mastermind Today.

Is The STOKED Mastermind right for you?

This program is for you if...
  • You still love your partner, but you want to break negative habits and enjoy your relationship to the highest level! 
  • ​You're fed up with the lack of teamwork and all the begging and pleading has gotten you nowhere. 
  • ​You're starting to feel more like roommates than romantic partners.
  • ​You're to stressed out to have any fun, laughter, and connection.
  • ​You want to learn how to communicate better, stop arguing, and become friends again. 
  • ​You want big things for yourself but don't have time for it all. And your partner doesn't know how to support you. 
  •  You want to bring PLEASURE back to your marriage. Not just sex, but the pleasure that comes from laughing together... and flirting again. 
  • ​You are willing to do the work because you KNOW the other side of this is going to be AMAZING!
This program is NOT for you if... 
  • ​If you are currently ending your relationship and know that is the right choice for you, this program is not for you. I encourage you to find a coach who specializes in divorce preparation. 
  • ​If you are currently in an abusive relationship, I encourage you to seek help from a therapist or crisis center in your city. This group is not a replacement for trauma therapy. 
  • ​You want a quick fix. I will teach you the skills and coach you, but to get the results, you have to do the work. (P.S. The work is hard ... AND fun! We'll embrace both in this program!)
  •  However ... If you feel excitement and relief just from imagining yourself in this program, I invite you to join!


I came to Rachael for help in my marriage. Little did I know that not only was I going to learn how to have better conversations and more intimacy with my husband again, but at the same time, I would learn to prioritize myself a whole new level.

Rachael taught me how to gain awareness and perspective. We’ve looked at all aspects of my life; from how I prioritize, how I structure my day, what things are blocking me professionally, what things I need to create space and time for personally. I needed help and I’ll be forever thankful that I made that investment in our marriage. We are finally back on track.
I felt like I made more progress with Rachael in a few short months than I was able to make in a full year of traditional therapy! Rachael is so easy to talk to and she made me feel so comfortable and understood, I can't recommend her highly enough.

Just imagine...

  • Having  conversations without arguing. 
  • Not feeling annoyed everytime your partner is in the same room as you. 
  • Knowing how to create a safe space for your partner to open up and share their feelings.
  • Knowing how to be vulnerable and stop ignoring your own emotions. 
  • Trusting your partner with their life. 
    • Feeling confident in yourself to achieve your personal goals.
    • Having a better intimate life because you WANT to ... not out of guilt! 
      • FEEL PEACE in knowing you've done everything YOU can to heal your relationship. And trust your wisest self to make powerful decisions moving forward. 
      It's time for a radical shift in how we do married life. You need an approach that supports YOU as an individual woman ... just as much as it supports your relationship. 

      Just imagine...

      • Taking focused and consistent action every day in your relationship to heal it from the inside out. 
      • Having simple frameworks you can immediately implement in your conversations to keep them connected, loving, and solution focused. 
      • Making decisions each day for yourself and your family from wisdom and self-trust ... without guilt and shame. 
      • Feel Excited To See Your Partner Again! When they walk in the door ... there's a burst of energy instead of dread! 
      • Being focused on what YOU can control and trusting your partner with their own growth. (Feel the freedom in that already!!)
      • Having A Like-Minded-Sisterhood of support who is ALL IN to create a life and marriage they love living! 
      • Letting Go of Guilt and Shame around intimacy and embracing Sex because you WANT to! (And Know how to talk about sex with your partner without it feeling so heavy.)
      • Feeling confident in yourself to honor what's best for you, stick to your personal goals, and heal your relationship with yourself. 
        • FEEL PEACE in knowing you've done everything YOU can to heal your relationship. And trust your wisest self to make powerful decisions moving forward. 
        And That's Why
        It's time for a radical shift in how you approach your marriage. An approach that supports YOU as an individual woman ... just as much as it supports your relationship. 

        Welcome to

        STOKED is an online coaching membership that will help you cultivate genuine, unwavering confidence within yourself and your partnership – connecting with fellow empowered women on the same journey. Because navigating the complexities of marriage is done better together, not alone.

          Join STOKED: The Marriage Mastermind And You’ll Learn:

          • How to communicate about anything
          • Strategies to create more balanced teamwork and partnership.
          • Navigate Emotional Challenges and Conflict Resolution
          • To rekindle passion and create a sex life you love
          • How to be your partners biggest fan and encourage their own growth and empowerment
          • Establish Healthy Boundaries and Autonomy Within the Relationship
          • Strengthen Parenting Dynamics and create a loving, peacefull atmosphere for your kids. 
          • Strategies for overcoming life's challenges and adversities together and become stronger through it. 
          • Nurturing Lifelong Love, Connection, and Growth
          • ​Develope self-confidence to create change and achieve goals in your individual life. 
          • Create a vision for your marriage and take steps to achieve that vision.
          As women, we're in the habit of putting off what we need and want for ourselves...
          It doesn't have to be that way...
          If you want to be part of this program, now is the time to prioritize you. And in the process... everyone around you is going to benefit. This is going to be the best investment you'll make all year! 
          "Yes, Rachael, I'm ready to do this work with you. Sign me up!"
          With Rachael Cunningham
          Free Trial For 14-Days / Then $97 per MONTH After Your Trial
          Limited Time Offer!
          No Contracts. Cancel Anytime. 
          🔓Secure Checkout
          Common Questions: 
          Q: Why is this just for women? Can my husband join to? 

          A: This special group membership is just for women because I want to create a safe space to share and communicate. We talk about intimate things in here - that are specific to the struggle of being a woman in a patriarchal society. 

          This is a group where YOU own your power as a woman. You own your ability to create powerful results in your life ...

          ✅  From loving deeply -  to having fun with your partner.
          ✅  From being assertive and creating healthy boundaries.
          ✅  To creating a better sex-life
          ✅  From creating a system of teamwork that works for you.
          ✅  To understanding your personal triggers and unhealthy habits. 
          ✅  From having compassion on yourself ... to having compassion on your partner.

          You don't want your partner looking over your shoulder all the damn time .... you need a space for YOU.

          This group is for women only on PURPOSE.

          And you're gonna be SO glad it is! 

          Q: Okay, I get it. But what about my partner? Doesn't it take two to tango?

          Yup ... and your partner might need to get their own help too. They might even be resistant to getting help.  And we'll coach on this in the membership. 

          But first, you'll BECOME the partner you'd LOVE to have. You'll make sure YOU are doing your own self-healing. You'll learn to communicate in a way that doesn't criticize. 

          So many times, your partner will meet you in the middle. They'll start mirroring your change. The whole house will feel lighter and more peaceful. 

          And if you want your partner to get more help to learn how to relate better and heal his/her own wounds, you'll know exactly how to ask for it... and set a boundary for it if needed.  

          But you first .... it's more fun this way and WAY more effective than trying to get your partner to change before you've made the changes you need to. 

          Q: What if I can't make it to the live coaching calls?

          We will have 2 coaching calls each week. I will have them at different times to accommodate different time zones. I encourage you to show up to one live call per week. The power of this program is that you get the opportunity to be coached live. Getting coached is one of the quickest, most effective ways to create change in your life. You will want to prioritize this time. 

          That said, life happens and you can't always make it. I get that!  So you will have access to the replays where you can watch others get coached. You will quickly learn to apply their coaching sessions to your own life ... and BOOM! You'll get to see just how powerful coaching is! 

          Q: Are there refunds?

          No. This is a coaching program, not just a curriculum to do on your own. There are no refunds for this type of program because once you make the choice ... I want you to commit whole-heartedly for the time you choose to be in ... whether that's one month, a year or 10 years

          Be ALL in! Do the work. And watch yourself create amazing results! You won't want a refund!

          That said it's just $97 per month ($67 if you're a founding member) and you can cancel anytime, no questions asked! 

          Q: What if I'm not sure if I want to stay married? Can I still join?  

          Absolutely! If there's still a part of you that wants to know you've tried everything to heal this marriage, I encourage you to join.

          Many of us have gone through periods where we need to figure out what we want moving forward. 

          This program will help you get in touch with what you want from a healthy, connected place instead of being frustrated and confused. It will also show you that you don't have to wait to decide before you create joy and peace in yourself! 

          You will learn how to create a better relationship with your partner ... whether you ultimately decide to end the marriage or not. This is important - you want to complete a marriage from love and respect too. Especially if there are children involved. 

          It's important to note though:  If you join ... you will be learning to actively create a joyful, kind, and loving connection with your partner.  If you don't want to do that, this program might not be for you. 

          Q: Is this an inclusive program? I'm a woman married to a woman. Am I welcome? 

          A: 100% YES!. 
          If you are a woman who is married or in a long-term relationship with another human (man, woman, or non-binary)  ... you are welcome! We will not discriminate based on religion, race, sexual preference, or life choices in this group. 

          Everyone needs the type of personal healing and relationship know-how that is taught here. I welcome you all.

          (However, If someone cannot respectfully hold space for people with different lifestyle choices, this program is not the best fit for them.)

          Q: My partner has a mental or physical illness. Will this program help me?

          A: Yes, this program will help you.  As long as there is no abuse, I encourage you to join. 

          The truth is, we can not change our partners' bodies and brains. But if you love your partner and want to stay, you can learn to accept, enjoy and communicate with them better. 

          Many of my clients have partners with ADHD, depression, anxiety, or have other issues they feel are making it harder to enjoy and connect with their partner right now.

          If you want to know how to deeply love and enjoy your partner as they are ... this program is for you! 

          Q: I have more questions... can I email you? 

          A: Of course... shoot me your questions to

          Got Questions?

           Why is this just for women? Can my husband join to? 

          This special group membership is just for women because I want to create a safe space to share and communicate. We talk about intimate things in here - that are specific to the struggle of being a woman in a patriarchal society. 

          This is a group where YOU own your power as a woman. You own your ability to create powerful results in your life ...

          ✅ From loving deeply - to having fun with your partner.
          ✅ From being assertive and creating healthy boundaries.
          ✅ To creating a better sex-life
          ✅ From creating a system of teamwork that works for you.
          ✅ To understanding your personal triggers and unhealthy habits. 
          ✅ From having compassion on yourself ... to having compassion on your partner.

          You don't want your partner looking over your shoulder all the damn time .... you need a space for YOU.

          This group is for women only on PURPOSE.

          And you're gonna be SO glad it is! 

           Okay, I get it. But what about my partner? Doesn't it take two to tango?

          Yup ... and your partner might need to get their own help too. They might even be resistant to getting help. And we'll coach on this in the membership. 

          But first, you'll BECOME the partner you'd LOVE to have. You'll make sure YOU are doing your own self-healing. You'll learn to communicate in a way that connect you. 

          Many times, your partner will meet you in the middle. They'll start mirroring your change. The whole house will feel lighter and more peaceful. 

          And if you want your partner to get more help to learn how to relate better and heal his/her own wounds, you'll know exactly how to ask for it... and set a boundary if needed.  

          But you first .... it's more fun this way and WAY more effective than trying to get your partner to change before you've made the changes you need to. 

           What if I can't make it to the live coaching calls?

          We will have 2 coaching calls each week. I will have them at different times to accommodate different time zones. I encourage you to show up to one live call per week. The power of this program is that you get the opportunity to be coached live. Getting coached is one of the quickest, most effective ways to create change in your life. You will want to prioritize this time. 

          That said, life happens and you can't always make it. I get that! So you will have access to the replays where you can watch others get coached. You will quickly learn to apply their coaching sessions to your own life ... and BOOM! You'll get to see just how powerful coaching is! 

          You can also send in your questions ahead of time and I'll answer them on the call. Watch the replay when you can and get the help you need. 

           Are there refunds?

          No. This is a coaching program, not just a curriculum to do on your own. There are no refunds for this type of program because once you make the choice ... I want you to commit whole-heartedly for the time you choose to be in ... whether that's one month, a year or 10 years!

          Be ALL in! Do the work. And watch yourself create amazing results! You won't want a refund!

          That said it's just $97 per month ($67 if you're a founding member) and you can cancel anytime, no questions asked! 

           What if I'm not sure if I want to stay married? Can I still join?  

          Absolutely! If there's still a part of you that wants to know you've tried everything to heal this marriage, I encourage you to join.

          Many of us have gone through periods where we need to figure out what we want moving forward. 

          This program will help you get in touch with what you want from a healthy, connected place instead of being frustrated and confused. It will also show you that you don't have to wait to decide before you create joy and peace in yourself! 

          You will learn how to create a better relationship with your partner ... whether you ultimately decide to end the marriage or not. This is important - you want to complete a marriage from love and respect too. Especially if there are children involved. 

           Is this an inclusive program? I'm a woman married to a woman. Am I welcome? 

          100% YES!. 
          If you are a woman who is married or in a long-term relationship with another human (man, woman, or non-binary) ... you are welcome! We will not discriminate based on religion, race, sexual preference, or life choices in this group. 

          Everyone needs the type of personal healing and relationship know-how that is taught here. I welcome you all.

          (However, If someone cannot respectfully hold space for people with different lifestyle choices, this program is not the best fit for them.)

           My partner has a mental or physical illness. Will this program help me?

          Yes, this program will help you. As long as there is no abuse, I encourage you to join. 

          The truth is, we can not change our partners' bodies and brains. But if you love your partner and want to stay, you can learn to accept, enjoy and communicate with them better. 

          Many of my clients have partners with ADHD, depression, anxiety, autism, or have other issues they feel are making it harder to enjoy and connect with their partner right now.

          If you want to know how to deeply love and enjoy your partner as they are ... this program is for you! 

           I have more questions... can I email you? 

          Of course... shoot me your questions to
          Doors Open Again April, 1, 2024!
          With Rachael Cunningham
          Join The Waitlist Now To Be The First To Know When Doors Open Again! 
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